There will be some tired and happy people this week after an outstanding effort to run not only the Junior road state championships but the Giant Wollongong criterium afterwards. Now the event has been run and done there are some people, groups and sponsors we need to thank.
First to the event sponsors for the Junior State Championships, thank you so much for assisting us with running the event. Mike Sturman was the naming rights sponsor but he also helped set up, raced in a criterium and helped pack up, legend effort. Kim and Tony from Horizon Credit Union thank you for your financial support as well as supplying tents to keep the sun off. Jamie and Cat from Skin Grows Back thank you for getting onboard and making one group of young girls very happy. Frank from SOTO Group for not only being a club sponsor but also giving extra support for the event and coming along and enjoying the day. Bluescope and Win thanks for the support and the 15 seconds of fame we were getting on the TV leading up to the event, that was fantastic. To Energyaustralia we say thanks for getting behind our local kids and to Tim from Commercial Diving Services for giving financial support to the event because he just wants to support our locals.
To the ladies from the Figtree Physical Culture Club who run a great BBQ thank you for a great effort and also the very kind words you all had to say about the Club, the junior cyclists and the parents.
To all the people who helped set, pack up deliver and remove all the things needed for the event thank you, its a massive effort and many hands make light work.
To Simon Britten, the grumpy goat who has worked tirelessly to make the event happen well done mate it was a job well done.
Last but not least to our juniors who rode on the weekend, thanks for representing yourselves in such a great manner and well done on your efforts.
Steve Dole