First I would like to congratulate Darren on winning the KD 2018, I want to thank all those involved in helping run the event.
Thanks to;
All the TC’s without you we don’t have a race – Luigi Palermo, Colin Moodie, Brian Gardner, Bernie O’Neill, David Russell, Andrew Smith, George Galvin, Mario Sessini, Peter Amos, Simon Britten, Heidi Naulty, Shane O’Brien.
Helping with set up, food, sign on and anything else that needed to be done – Patracia Gooley, Kym Daly, Michelle O’Neill, Liz Russell, Deb Coulls
Timing – Phil Jones and new 2IC Ryan Britten.
Lead driver Brad Martin and sag wagon Marcus Arnold
All Commissaire’s
If there is anyone that I have missed I thank you as well.
My view of the day was that it all went smoothly and I was lucky enough to be the commissaire car that followed the bunch 8 pack that Darren was in, when I saw Darren take off up Mount Marshall on the last lap I was hoping he could hold that gap till the finish. When I saw Darren straight after the finish I think I was more excited than him or think he was just to tired to celebrate too much, plus he was cramping at the time!
Darren Robertson’s report
I’m humbled to have won the 2018 Ken Dinnerville Memorial Handicap.
I still can’t believe it. It doesn’t seem to have been a happy hunting ground for local riders, as the wins have been few and far between for ICC riders.
After last years 8th place in diabolical conditions, 60 km/h westerly winds. I was relieved that it was a beautiful, autumn day for bike riding/racing.
I wasn’t expecting a lot from the day. I was fit, and have been riding well. My usual Mount Keira/ Mount Kembla training once or twice a week, and home trainer, every other day… but with the “scratch” bunch starting off 32 minutes, instead of 40 minutes, like last year 2017. I thought the A train would sail past us, sooner or later. I was starting in bunch 8, limit + 4 minutes, same as last year.
As I was fitter and stronger than last year, I wasn’t sure if I should play tactical and wait for another bunch and sit back. However our bunch, worked well from the start, with everybody putting in. Richie Scott from Eastern Suburbs CC, worked hard all day, doing more than his share, putting our bunch in a good position.
After 3 laps our bunch was holding ground against Bunch 7 and we had caught bunch 9, so we were looking good. At this point Abe Martin was riding with our bunch and gave me some tactical advice for the last lap. “Get to the front on the last climb”.
As climbing is one of my stronger points, I thought this was a good idea. On the 4th lap I was probably spending too much time on the front, but didn’t want our bunch caught, so kept pushing.
Last Lap……..
Upon coming up the Dinnerville Climb on Marshall Mount, I got to the front and went pretty deep on the climb, thinking it’s now or never, and if anything, as I couldn’t see the other bunches catching us yet, I might get KOM, and get at least something out of the day. Out of the saddle all the way up, and upon cresting and taking KOM, looked around to see no one chasing.
So I put my head down and gave everything I had, trying to stay as aero as possible.
The new Giant Propel Disc bike I recently purchased from ‘GIANT Wollongong’ helped a lot on this solo breakaway.
My legs started to cramp up in the last 5 kilometres, but I kept turning the pedals to the finish line, and was pretty cooked by that time.
It’s a great honour to start in this historical race, let alone have my name on the winners list and trophy.
Thanks to my Mt Keira/ Mt Kembla training partners Rob Barber and Mark Chapman…, the other guys and girls in my bunch and the “Illawarra Cycle Club” and Sponsors for organising a great race.
Darren Robertson
We also have a race report from Tim Packer
As a new member of the Illawarra Cycle Club, and competing in my first ‘Dinnerville’, I thought to reflect on the experience and share a couple of take outs.
Straight up my main objective was to stay in my bunch (group four). I didn’t want to be out after one lap so I rode quite conservatively. I pulled turns when necessary and positioned well on Marshall Mount to avoid any splits. Fortunately for me the group worked well and stayed positive. There was no abuse or aggression, rather a cohesive unit pulling hard together. This made a nice change compared to other handicap races I have done in the past.

Tim in-between Rod and Merrick
It was also good knowing the course, particularly the Roubaix-style road surface and the steepness of Marshall Mount. Love it or hate it the road surface is a unique element of the race. ’The worst surface I have ever raced on’ was a comment I heard more than once throughout the day. I saw one rider lose a bidon on the first lap. Fortunately for him I offered a couple of gulps from mine to get him through the second half of the race. Given the clear skies and hot sun it was surprising how quickly my water disappeared.
As the kilometres ticked away the group behind us didn’t seem to be getting any closer, which was both satisfying and encouraging. However, once they were bolstered by the scratch bunch our lead was soon whittled down, with the inevitable catch happening about 5km from the finish. This is when the pace, as well as the agro and elbows, increased exponentially. I hang on to the back for a couple of kms but was unceremoniously dropped with three kays to go. I rolled in one minute behind the bunch.
Whilst painful at the time I can already reflect back and say that I enjoyed it and want to do it again. I want to commend the committee for putting on a fantastic event. It was brilliantly run, from the well organised sign-on, to the punctual start, to the commissaries and traffic controllers on course, right down to the sausage sizzle at the end. An ICC club member winning the race was the icing on the cake.
Overall though, nothing but positive things to say about it. Having attended the last couple of ICC committee meetings I have an appreciation of what happens behind the scenes to make it all happen. To run smoothly, safely and in the spirit of good competition is no mean feat. Thanks again ICC, ‘I’ll be back’.
Tim Packer

Top 10 Overall Darren ROBERTSON Illawarra CC KOM, 1st Local 27:30 02:30:23 2. 136 Robert LANGRIDGE Vikings CC (ACT) 27:30 +0:43 3. 141 Keith HARRIS Hunter District CC 27:30 +0:43 4. 129 Richard SCOTT Eastern Suburbs CC 27:30 +0:43 5. 137 Dave MULLENS Eurobodalla CC 27:30 +0:43 6. 127 Katie BANERJEE Harlequin 1st Fem 27:30 +0:43 7. 150 Gary HALLORAN Orange CTC 32:00 +0:47 8. 132 Moghseen JADWAT Eastern Suburbs CC 27:30 +1:15 9. 110 Neil ARNOLD Illawarra CC 2nd Local 20:00 +2:33 10. 105 Daniel HENNESSY Randwick Botany CC

Fastest times Myles STEWART Tolland CC 2:03:58.36 — 2. 17 Liam KELLY Eastern Suburbs CC 2:04:00.22 +00:01 3. 6 Shaun FALZARANO

First 3 from ICC Darren Robertson Neil ARNOLD Mark Morgan

First and second Female overall Katie BANERJEE Harlequin Geraldine BLOMFIELD-BROWN Waratah Masters CC
More Photo’s to look at;